Born and raised in Sacramento, I moved to Los Angeles
in 1993 to study microbiology and molecular genetics at UCLA. After
earning a bachelor of science degree, I worked for a year as a tutor
before beginning my teaching career at Lawrence Middle School in
I thoroughly enjoy teaching middle school
and try to incorporate interesting and engaging lessons for my students.
I feel that Science is a class that needs to be hands-on with students
learning by doing. By developing lessons that focus on visual, auditory,
and kinesthetic modes of learning, I believe that my class accommodates
the learning styles of all students. |

"Janss Steps, Royce Hall in background, UCLA"
by b r e n t - UCLA. Licensed under CC BY 2.0
via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Janss_Steps,_Royce_Hall_in_background,_UCLA
.jpg#/media/File:Janss_Steps,_Royce_Hall_in_background,_UCLA.jpg |