Course Description

Course Description: 8th Grade Science focuses on physics, chemistry, and astronomy.

Required Supplies:
1. A three-ring binder with dividers. 5 sections of your folder must include Warm-ups, Homework/Classwork, Notes, Graded Work, and Quizzes/Tests
2. Pencils, pens, erasers, and paper.
3. The textbook with a cover on it.
4. Calculator

Work Requirements:
1. All assigned work must be completed and turned in on time.
2. Make-up work must be requested after an absence.
3. All assignments are to be kept in the three-ring folder until the end of the grading period.
4. All work must have the appropriate paper heading:
Name (last, first)
Assignment title:

Work Habits: The work habits grade will be determined by:
1. The number of tardies.
2. Missing work (4 missing assignments = U)

3. Having required supplies everyday.

4. Working diligently in class when work is assigned.

Cooperation: The cooperation grade will be determined by:
1. Following classroom procedures, rules, and guidelines.
2. Respecting others' right to learn.
3. Your willingness to learn.

Grading Policy: The following is what constitutes the semester grade. Grades will be determined on a percentage system. Percentages are calculated by using the number of points possible and the number of points earned.

Tests 20%
Quizzes 20%
Homework 20%
Classwork 20%
Labs / Projects 15%
Notebook / Participation 5%

Grading Scale:
90% - 100% A
80% - 89% B
65% - 79% C
50% - 64% D
< 50% FAIL

Tardies: Tardies cannot be made up. Tardies accumulate for the entire semester. 3 tardies in a 5-week grading period earns a "U" in work habits.

Class Rules:
1. Students are to be in their seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.

2. Students are to respect others and their property.
3. Students will raise their hand and wait to be call on before speaking.
4. Students are to remain in their seats unless otherwise instructed.
5. Students will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
6. No food, drink, or gum allowed.