Lab: Earthworm Dissection |
External Anatomy
1) The body of the earth worm is comprised of over 100 segments. Each
segment looks like a ring. The segments are numbered in sequence from
the anterior end. Numbers in the diagrams refer to the segment number.
2) The anterior is the front
and posterior is the back.
**Locate the worm's mouth at the anterior end and anus at the posterior
end _______
**Locate the swelling of the earthworm near its anterior side -
this is the clitellum ______
The clitellum is a swelling of the body found in sexually mature

3) The openings
toward the anterior of the worm, between the mouth and clitellum,
are the male genital pores (sperm duct)
This is where the sperm are released.
** male genital pores ______
4) The setae
are the bristles that the earthworm uses for movement (locomotion).
They are often easier to feel than to see. Rub your fingers along
the earthworm's body and feel the setae.
** setae _____ |
1. Place the specimen in the dissecting pan DORSAL side
2. Locate the clitellum and insert the tip of the scissors about 3
cm posterior.
3. Cut carefully all the way up to the head. Try to keep the scissors
pointed up, and only cut through the skin.
4. Spread the skin of the worm out, use a teasing needle to gently
tear the septa (little thread like structures that hold the skin to
organs below it)
5. Place pins in the skin to hold it apart, angle the pins out so
that they are not in your way.

The first structures you probably see are the seminal vesicles. They
are cream colored and located toward the anterior of the worm. These
are used for producing sperm. Use tweezers to remove these white structures
from over the top of the digestive system that lies underneath it.
**seminal vesicles ______
The dorsal blood vessel appears as a dark brownish-red vessel running
along the intestine.
** dorsal blood vessel _____
The heart (or
aortic arches) can be found over the esophagus (just posterior to
the pharynx). Carefully tease away the tissues to expose the arches
of the heart, the run across the worm. If you are careful, you can
expose all 5 of them.
** 5 hearts ______ |
The digestive system starts at the mouth. You will
trace the organs all the way to the anus and identify each on the

Find the mouth opening, the first part after the mouth is the pharynx,
you will see stringy things attached to either side of the pharynx
(pharyngeal muscles) .
** pharynx _____ |

The esophagus
leads from the pharynx but you probably won't be able to see it, since
it lies underneath the heart . You will find a two structures close
to the clitellum. First in the order is the crop which stores food.
** crop _______
Then is the gizzard which grinds the food.
** gizzard ______
The gizzard
leads to the intestine which is as long as the worm and ends at the
** intestine ______
Between the hearts and the mouth, locate the brain.
** brain ______