Directions for doing a missing week:
1. Go on Schoology to check your grades and see what week is missing.
2. Go to to find out exactly what was turned in during that week.
3a. Find missing warm-ups at
3b. Find missing handouts at and print what you need. If you do not have access to a printer, find the handouts that you need in the file cabinet (near the foosball table).
4. Complete missing work, staple in the correct order, and turn into the late tray.

You might not be able to complete all the assignments for the missing week, but do what you can. Earning partial credit is a lot better than having 0 points for a missing week.
Directions for making up a missing quiz or test:
1. Go on Schoology to check your grades and see what quiz/test is missing.
2. Either send a message or tell Mr. T when you will be coming in to do the missing quiz or test. Quizzes and tests can be taken before school at 7:15am or during lunch any day.